Check with your neighbors to see if they are also experiencing an outage. If they are, call the electric company.
Do your light bulbs keep burning out, even though it seems like you’re constantly replacing them?
Check the holder to see if it’s loose or depleted.
Are there sags and dips in the power at your house or does the power keep blowing?
It could be that your power grid is faulty and using more power than the device can handle. You probably will need to replace your power controlling device.
If you have multiple large appliances running in a small area, try unplugging a few devices and see if this improves things
Are your ON/OFF switches not functioning correctly?
This could be due to an overridden switch or improper wiring. If that’s the case, we’ll help you call in an electrician to get the dysfunctional switch replaced.
Are one of your outlets broken?
Check the other outlets in the room. If they are also out, it could be the circuit breaker. Try resetting it.
Check any nearby GFCI outlets (has a test and reset button). Often electricity flows sequentially from one GFCI outlet to other outlets and/or appliances so if a nearby one has tripped it could cause power issues. A properly functioning outlet should have a green light pop on.