A late fee of $75 will be billed on the 11th of each month if your monthly payment has not been made.
Starting July 2024, a $25 late fee will be applied on the 5th of the month and a $50 late fee will be applied on the 11th.
To help you avoid this fee, we parter with Flex to allow you to set up payment plans for those months that paying the full rent on the first is just not feasible. This is a fully optional service for your benefit!
Please note that you still need to create your account and link a payment method in the Up&Up portal AND pay with Flex on the Up&Up portal after sign up. If you are using Flex they will provide a payment method for you to add in the Up&Up portal.
**Please note that you should calculate the 3% processing fee when inputting your ledger. We highly recommend you to use the Flex ACH option to avoid this fee.
Where do I find my Flex payment information to link to the portal?
Flex should provide you with a routing and account number. You may need a verification code to access this.
To get the verification code, you may email Flex (help@getflex.com) with the following information:
Name, email, phone number.
Flex will provide you with a micro deposit code, which could be a 3-digit code, a letter code, or a specific dollar amount. They'll need to enter this code to proceed with self-submitting a payment with a Flex-funded bank account. It's important to be aware that it can take up to 4 business days for the micro deposit code or amount to become available to Flex so that it can be sent to you.
If you would prefer not waiting for the code to become available, Flex can provide you with an alternative payment method funded by Flex, which is a debit card. To enable payment by card, you will need to email success@upandup.co.
**Please note that you should calculate the 3% processing fee when inputting your ledger. We highly recommend you to use the Flex ACH option to avoid this fee.